Mécanisme forêts et paysans


As heads of state prepare for COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow this November, the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) launched a campaign to raise awareness on the effects of climate change on crops in the region and to draw attention to family farmers...
A new IIED report offers 30 practical options to help local people build vital resilience into their livelihoods, landscapes and food systems and calls for an urgent increase in climate finance to and through local organisations.
Ma Thi Ninh thought farming would be relatively easy. The Yen Duong area of Viet Nam where she lives has excellent, arable land and offers many sought-after products, including organic sticky rice, seasonal vegetables and bamboo used for traditional handicraft products. But once she started to farm and trade in...
Scaling up assistance to forest and farm smallholders would provide benefits at a planetary scale in the face of climate change, according to a new FAO policy brief published today. 
Des femmes au Togo, membres de la Fédération des Unions de Sociétés Coopératives des producteurs de Café et de Cacao, nous montrent comment fabriquer du savon liquide à base...