Mécanisme forêts et paysans


Grassroots support for the world’s 1.5 billion smallholder farmers – who are highly vulnerable to climate threats – to help them diversify their crops, products and practices is increasing food security while conserving forests, storing carbon and creating resilient landscapes. This was the message arising from a virtual “independent dialogue” held...
Video highlights of the Forum featuring the sessions held and translated in many languages, speakers and some photos of our  community partners connecting to the event online in their respective areas.
Indigenous Peoples and local communities protect 840 million hectares of forests around the world and manage over 246 GtC, but yet more than half is unsecured. On World Environment Day, the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities is launching a new video today to highlight that indigenous peoples are the...
Presidents and celebrities planting trees are in the news again, and with green post-COVID-19 recovery plans afoot and the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, James Mayers considers what it will take to get the right trees planted and looked after in the right places, by people who...
Ahead of World Environment Day on 5 June, Estrella Penunia highlights the challenges faced by small-scale women and men farmers in Asia from climate change, loss of biodiversity and land degradation.