Mécanisme forêts et paysans


29/09/2017 The Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism for Tanzania, Prof. Jumanne Maghembe, has called upon forest experts from Africa to educate small holder farmers and forest communities about carbon credits trade in order to assure them of income that would reduce their actions that negatively impact on forests.  Prof. Maghembe...
In Zambia Charcoal is one of the most important sources of energy for the majority population with over 80% of the population in the urban and rural areas depending on it. The demand for charcoal is driven by the increase in population and the slow rate of electrification which still...
The Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) is a partnership that provides support to producer organizations, such as smallholders, rural woman’s groups, and various local and indigenous communities and institutions, in an effort to help fight against climate change and improve food security. The partnership operates in various regions around...
At the occasion of the 2017 International Day of Cooperatives, the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC) developed a video which presents how cooperatives eradicate poverty and promote prosperity in an inclusive way. In this video you will learn about the cooperative movement and how it impacts...
What comes to mind when you think about climate change? The impact of fumes from all the traffic on your commute to work? Maybe erratic weather, with flooding in some places, severe drought in others?  Perhaps you also think about solutions to climate change and to the very real crisis it...