Городское развитие

Доклады и информационные сводки

Indonesia’s Modern Food Retail Sector: Interaction With Changing Food Consumption and Trade Patterns

Indonesia’s food market has changed in response to a changing and growing economy. The report examines changes in the food consumption pattern and measures the growth of modern food retail chains, packaged food purchases, and food imports in the world’s fourth-most-populous country. The evidence...

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The urban producer's resource book

A practical guide for working with Low Income Urban and Peri-Urban Producers Organizations The manual is the product of collaboration between FAO, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and several other partners. This collaboration was formally initiated in 1993 when a group of...


Street foods: the way forward for better food safety and nutrition

Street foods make up a significant part of the dietary intake of many and provide food generally not used at home such as fruits and vegetables, which serve as healthy complements to the diet. In order to maximize the positive impact of street foods, what can be done to increase the vendors’ food hygiene knowledge and practices and make sure their role is properly recognized by local authorities?