G77 & China - Rome Chapter

G77 & China Programme of Work 2019-2020 (English)


THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF G77 & China Group 2019




The Republic of South Sudan, in the person of the Ambassador and Deputy Alternate Permanent Representative of South Sudan to (FAO, WFP & IFAD), H.E Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Natalina Edward MOU, was elected by the Members of the Africa Regional Group accredited to the United Nations Agencies based in Rome to undertake the Chairmanship of the G77 & China Group, Rome Chapter in 2019. 

The G77 & China Group is led by the Chairperson, with the Bureau (steering committee) that is composed of the elected Vice-Chair from Indonesia, Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Regional Groups accredited to UN Agencies based in Rome (Africa , Latin America /GRULAC, Asia Regional Group, Near East and China), as well as the states and members of Permanent Representations, Alternate Permanent Representatives, Agricultural Attaches’ staff and the group secretariat.   



The executive and administrative performance of the Chairperson of the G77 & China Group is adhered by the following:

  • Promote the collective socioeconomic issues and discuss the most relevant concerns and development agenda within the United Nations system
  • Promote peace and prosperity through a strong and effective multilateral system
  • Convene and conduct the G77 & China Bureau meetings and Plenary on a regular basis, and hold special meetings, as required.
  • Participate and represent the group in the RBA meetings and governing bodies
  • Organize events and meetings to ensure the promotion of South-South Triangular Cooperation objectives and interests.
  • Coordinate with FAO to participate in G77 & China New York Chapter meetings to share information in the best interest of the members. 
  • Support the publication of relevant G77 & China flagship productions and website information
  • Ensure liaison amongst members of various Regional Groups and build consensus for the common interest and goals of the developing countries.
  • Promote G77 & China outside of Rome for better awareness and cooperation for the interest of member countries. e.g. holding side events and participating in G77 & China New York Chapter meetings.



South Sudan Chairmanship will pursue the values and guiding principles on which the Group was founded since 1964 to ensure the continuity of its legacy in identifying economic interests and developing countries determination of joint efforts towards economic and social development, peace and prosperity through effective collaboration with RBAs and partners to achieve Agriculture Development and eradication of hunger in 2030 in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to leave no one behind.



  • UN-Reform Agenda: in following the adoption by the UN General Assembly on the repositioning of the UN development system to align it with the 2030 Agenda for the sustainable development, South Sudan chairmanship will particularly aim to support   FAO’s role in supporting Member Countries’ efforts in achieving SDG 2, innovative and sustainable agriculture approaches and for combating all forms of malnutrition and promoting nutrition-sensitive, sustainable food systems, especially at the country level.
  • The Chairmanship would strive as well to improve the Group’s understanding on where each member country stands in relation to Zero hunger and the progress within the reform Agenda. Moreover, South Sudan will strenghten the liaison with G77 & China group in New York to emphasis other areas of focus to keep the group in the same page on progress.
  • Climate change: Access to finance to allow action on the ground for climate change adaptation and mitigation is the next frontier in the fight against the effect of climate change and specifically the mechanisms of translating pledges into action at the country level. Focus would be on more consideration to developing countries in terms of adaptation, mitigation, and awareness to better understand climate change effects through experts to shed light on the matter.
  • Women and youth empowerment, especially in small-scale and family farming: we are looking forward to inspiring and enhance the implementation of small scale and family farming capacity building towards employment generation, to empower the women and youth in the rural areas, as they constitute 80% of the population in the developing countries. It would be noted that promoting gender equity and support to youth are also cross-cutting pillars under the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-28.
  • Enhance South-South and Triangular cooperation: South Sudan would support and boost further tangible action on the ground through the SSTC. G77 & China must manifest solidarity among one another through country projects as South-South proven effective in increasing productivity, create Jobs, knowledge transfer and promote trade and investment among the developing countries to eradicate poverty and hunger.        


  • FAO’s Contributions to Sustaining Peace: Conflicts mainly affect rural areas and their populations. Opportunities for peace building, resilience and food security, through FAO recovery programme must be pursued to secure conflict resolution and reduce the possibility of a relapse in to conflict.
  • Election of the Director General: South Sudan pick up the mantle its Chairmanship at a transition in FAO. The aim would be to avail the Group’s priorities areas of common interest of the G77 & China. The group will use its Plenary Platform to collate candidates’ visions for FAO future work through questions and interaction with each candidate.



  • Encourage member countries to participate in the UN RBA activities and share best knowledge to tackle relevant issues for the development of agriculture and food security and nutrition to G77 & China group respective countries. 
  • Ensure the common economic interest of G77 & China through FAO’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation to improve agricultural, animal productivity and adapt to and mitigate climate change challenges.
  • The group will gather in plenary at least one a month or hold extraordinary meetings to address at stake issues when necessary.
  • Invite officials and experts from FAO, WFP and IFAD and other relevant institutions to attend plenary meetings to present updates and information of key agendas or programs to members for better understanding and interactions. 
  • Maintain smooth ties and cooperation with RBA high-level officials and G77 & China group in Geneva, New York and Nairobi to deliver and achieve the common interest of its members.
  • Establish a new Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP), encouraging voluntary seniors to transfer their vast FAO knowledge of G77 & China’s roles, interests and current issues to new diplomats and attaches. Induction sessions will be arranged in accordance with the seniors. With more financial resources in the future, professional experts will be involved. (temporary solution)
  • The G77 & China 2019/2020 will conduct 8 sessions of the bureau and plenary consistence with agendas of the conferences and programme evaluation and activities in FAO, WFP and IFAD.