G77 & China - Rome Chapter

IFAD : 92nd Session of the Executive Board. 12-13 December 2008

EB 2007/92/ R.2: Programme of work, Programme Development Financing Facility and administrative and capital budgets of IFAD and its Office of Evaluation for 2008 EB 2007/92/R.26: Bangladesh: National Agricultural Technology Project  
EB 2007/92/R.27: China: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Rural Advancement Programme 
EB 2007/92/R.28:Nepal: Nepal Poverty Alleviation Fund II Project    
EB 2007/92/R.29: The Philippines: Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project 
EB 2007/92/R.30: Viet Nam: Developing Business with the Rural Poor Programme EB 2007/ 92/R.31: Costa Rica: National Rural and Entrepreneurial Development Programme
EB 2007/92/R.32:Guyana: Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Development Project
EB 2007/92/ R.33: Honduras: Project for Enhancing the Rural Economic Competitiveness of Yoro
EB 2007/92/R.32: Peru: Project for Strengthening Assets, Markets and Rural Development Policies in the Northern Highlands (Sierra Norte) EB 2007/92/ R.35: Azerbaijan: Rural Development Project for the North-West Programme for the Mobilization of Surface.doc Grant Proposals for consideration by the Executive Board EB 2007/92/R.38: Grants under the global/regional grants window to non-CGIAR-supported international centres EB 2007/92/R.39:Grant under the country-specific grants window to the Republic of Iraq for the Improved Livelihoods of Small Producers in Iraq through Integrated Pest Management and Organic Fertilization Programme EB 2007/92/R.40: Country-specific grant to the International Labour Organization for the Skills Enhancement for Employment Project in Nepal    Financial Matters EB 2007/ 92/R.46: Progress report on implementation of the performance-based allocation system EB 2007/92/R.11: IFAD’s participation in the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Country Strategic Opportunities EB 2007/92/R.12: Mali EB 2007/92/R.13: Cambodia EB 2007/92/R.14: Bolivia EB 2007/92/ R.15: Mexico EB 2007/92/R.18: Yemen  Project / Programme Proposals for consideration by the Executive Board EB 2007/92/ R.20: Burkina Faso: Small-Scale Irrigation and Water Management Project
EB 2007/92/ R.21: Ghana: Northern Rural Growth Programme EB 2007/92/ R.22: Nigeria: Rural Microenterprise Development Programme EB 2007/92/R.23: Angola:Market-oriented Smallholder Agriculture Project   EB 2007/92/R.24: Madagascar: Support Programme for Rural Micro Enterprise Poles and Regional Economies EB 2007/92/R.25: Malawi: Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme