General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

The COVID-19 crisis has hurt nearly every sector of the global economy, leaving those who were already struggling to make ends meet at the greatest disadvantage.

During this uncertain period, fishers and fishers’ organizations all across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea have displayed their commitment and value to their communities by providing food to thousands of at-risk people.

From aquaculture farmers delivering meals to underprivileged families in Algeria to chefs preparing fish sandwiches for health workers to break their Ramadan fast in Turkey, fishers and their colleagues have been looking out for others, even as their own work is limited by quarantine measures.

Read here about some of their outstanding efforts 

The Fishing Directorate of Algiers distributed more than 400 meals to medical staff | Algeria

The Roman Fishing Cooperative donated 300 kgs of fresh fish to families in difficulty | Italy

Donation of 60 kg of fish distributed at the monastery "St. George the Victorious" in Belashtitsa | Bulgaria

A seafood restaurant offered fish sandwiches for Iftar to 1500 health professionals over 10 days | Turkey

The Hellenic Aquaculture Producers Organization (ELOPY) teamed up with numerous restaurants to offer cooked fish meals to hospital staff | Greece

Fish farmers and employees of the Agricultural and Forestry Institute Kranj donated fish to socially disadvantaged families in the week before Easter | Slovenia

Fish operators of the Volla market in Naples donated 170 kgs of seafood to families in difficulty | Italy

Aquaculture farmers donated seafood to 1200 families | Algeria