General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Online training workshops on data-limited methods for the assessment of sardinella in the Eastern Mediterranean


The GFCM has been holding, jointly with the FAO EastMed regional project, a series of online workshops to advance towards the benchmark assessment of round sardinella in the Eastern Mediterranean. At the request of experts in the field, these workshops are aimed at improving proficiency in the use of two data-limited stock assessment methods, LIME (Length-Based Integrated Mixed Effects) and LBSPR (Length-Based Spawning Potential Ratio).

The training series comprises at least three online workshops, lectured by Ricardo Amoroso:

  • WORKSHOP 1: Exploration of a common dataset that will be circulated before the workshop (how to import libraries, plot data, combine plots, etc.): 29 June 2020 @ 2.00-4.30 pm Rome time
  • WORKSHOP 2: Basic run of LIME and LBSPR methods: 2 July 2020 @ 2.00-4.30 pm Rome time
    In particular at this stage, a series of bilateral sessions will take place to ensure that all participants’ scripts are working, and specific needs are addressed.
  • WORKSHOP 3: Batch runs are performed using different variables. The outcomes will be discussed within the group. 8 July 2020 @ 2.00-4.30 pm Rome time

Under Mr Amoroso’s guidance, trainees are exploring a common dataset, and are running assessments and discussing the outcomes, online. Particular attention is given to the specific issues that each country may be facing during the workshops by organizing bilateral follow-up sessions with those who need specific support.

After the workshop series, each country/geographical subarea will have the opportunity to analyze their own data taking advantage of ad-hoc tutorials tailored to each specific situation.

Experts from Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Turkey have been attending.