General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Workshop on restorative aquaculture initiatives in the Mediterranean Sea

Mon, Mar, 2024, 9am - Mon, Mar, 2024, 5pm

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


 The Workshop on restorative aquaculture initiatives in the Mediterranean Sea was organized within the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Innovation and Technology to identify candidate species for restorative aquaculture and the latest developments regarding restorative aquaculture systems. As the environmental footprint of the aquaculture sector should be further improved, it is important to promote sustainable aquaculture practices, environmentally friendly farming systems and the diversification of farmed species. In this context, the workshop was organized to present past and ongoing research projects on restorative aquaculture and the restocking of aquatic species in the Mediterranean, as well as the outcomes of these activities. Participants highlighted the importance of restorative aquaculture practices as nature-based solutions and the need for collaboration to further enhance restorative aquaculture research and implementation. This workshop represented a significant step towards knowledge exchange as well as identifying suitable species and aquaculture systems for restoration activities and future considerations.