Partenariat mondial sur les sols

TCP launch and 4th ordinary meeting of the South American Soil Partnership

Launch of the Technical Cooperation Project “Development of capacities on soil information for the sustainable management of natural resources in the countries of South America” to contribute to the activities of Pillar 4 of the GSP. FAO and GSP organized the TCP launch meeting together with the 4th ordinary meeting of the South American Soil Partnership on 31 August and 1 September 2017 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

This project is focusing  on the development of national capacities for soil data collection, compilation, storage and harmonization as well as analytical methods in the laboratory and digital mapping of soil organic carbon to support countries in the information generation on soil themes at national level. This will contribute to the reactivation of SISLAC across countries and partners, contributing to GLOSIS and the development of the GSOCmap as part of the reporting process for the SDGs.

The establishment of national soil information systems will provide the necessary information for the production of diverse maps and products which will support decision making processes for promoting sustainable soil management (SSM) for sustainable and productive agriculture and food security in line with the Voluntary Guidelines on SSM. It is expected that the generated information will provide required information to support farmers and diverse land users in adopting improved management practices and to enhance capacity of governments in regard to sustainable investments, land use planning, adequate decision making and development plans that target food security and poverty reduction.

Project implementation during its 18 month duration is being supervised and monitored by FAO regional office in Santiago in collaboration with the national governments and in close consultation with the GSP Secretariat. 

Details of the event | Presentations | Photogallery | Report

31 Aug 2017
- 01 Sep 2017
Montevideo, Uruguay