Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Archive des faits saillants

Agricultural production is the mainstay of Rwanda, with the majority of the country's population relying on agriculture for their livelihoods. In recent years, rapid population growth and limited potential farmland have led to tremendous pressure on soils. In Rwanda, unsustainable soil management practices have led to soil acidification and erosion, as well as a decline in crop yields and quality.


From 19 to 22 June, the tenth regional assembly of the Latin American and Caribbean Soil Partnership (ASLAC) was held. This event was of great importance for promoting resilient agri-food systems and healthy soils in the region. The Assembly brought together experts and leaders from 23 latin American countries committed to sustainable soil management, with the aim of establishing a comprehensive agenda to address the challenges and opportunities related to this vital resource.



América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), al igual que otras regiones del mundo, afronta cada año el problema de los grandes incendios forestales. Este complejo fenómeno pone en riesgo la vida de personas y entornos sociales (poblaciones rurales, núcleos en la interfaz urbano-rural y servicios de extinción de incendios), además de afectar gravemente al medio ambiente, al desarrollo rural y a diferentes sectores de la economía local y regional. 


Innovations to re-carbonize soils, improve soil health and enhance water use efficiency take centre stage at the Science and Innovation Forum
