Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Archive des faits saillants

The entries for the Glinka World Soil Prize are officially open. The nomination is available to all—individuals or organizations.


If you have organized an outstanding WSD event for the 2019 campaign ‘Stop soil erosion, Save our future’, don’t miss the chance to win the King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award, edition 2020.  The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is pleased to invite all participants to last year campaign to apply: individuals, institutions, NGOs, academia, universities & colleges, private companies, or other entities.


The Global Soil Partnership is currently developing a new tool, SoiLEX, a global database on national legislation on soil protection, conservation and restoration to facilitate access to information on the existing legal instruments in force and bridge the gap between the various soil stakeholders. The online platform will facilitate the search for national soil legal instruments, the understanding of the different legal areas relevant to soil management and protection, as well as the exchange of experiences in soil governance between countries and regions.


Due to the public health impact of COVID-19 and to protect the well-being of our employees, delegates and partners, the Global Soil Partnership will held its Eighth GSP Plenary Assembly in a virtual format (Zoom) on 3 – 5 June 2020 from 12:00 to 14:30 pm (GMT+2)

All documents have been published online in English and are available for consultation here.

Looking forward to welcoming you all virtually! 

-> Register here by 31 May 2020

-> Download the Agenda

-> Read the official documents

Presentations | Report | Key moments video 


FAO's Global Soil Partnership is pleased to invite you to its first webinar: Towards the implementation of the International Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers (Fertilizer Code). The Webinar will be held on line on the 19 May 2020 from 2 to 3pm CEST. 
The objectives of the webinar are to:

  1. Disseminate the Fertilizer Code and its purpose and objectives.
  2. Discuss about the implementation modalities of the Fertilizer Code.
  3. Provide an opportunity for different stakeholders to express their views regarding the Fertilizer Code.

*Information on how to access the webinar will be sent shortly to all registered participants.

Agenda & Presentations | Recording | Report
