Global Soil Partnership

15th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis (ISSPA)

The symposium provides a platform for local and international scientists to exchange knowledge and foster collaborations. It will contribute significantly to advancing the discipline of soil and plant analyses in support of world agriculture.  It offers a great opportunity to learn cutting edge technologies on soil testing and nutrient management, and their applications in enhancing crop yields and minimizing the impact of agriculture on the environment. 

The Organizing Committee of the Symposium enthusiastically welcomes you to Nanjing and ISSPA2017. The symposium theme is "the roles of soil, plant, water and waste analyses in food security and environmental quality". The conference will include presentations on important topics, posters and a mid-symposium tour. A pre-symposium tour is also offered to those who would like to explore more in China. You will be delighted about the location and technical program of the symposium.

We look forward to seeing you in Nanjing in May 2017. A full symposium brochure (as a pdf file) can be downloaded from the "Download Centre".    

- 18 May 2017
Nanjing, China