Núcleo de Capacitación en Políticas Públicas

Adequate food: the human right of us all

Modalidad: Self-paced | Desde el 06-12-23 hasta el 31-12-24

The FAO Development Law Service (LEGN) at the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean warmly welcomes you to the self-paced course "Adequate food: the human right of us all".

This course aimed at the general public seeks to disseminate key concepts about the right to adequate food. The course was developed in response to the identification of the need to strengthen general knowledge regarding the existence and content of the human right to adequate food and the importance it has in the lives of all human beings.

The right to adequate food is a fundamental right inherent to all people, recognized in the main international instruments for the protection of human rights. As such, it is essential to understand the scope of its content and components to guarantee the effective realization of this right for all. In this regard, the right to food is not limited to being free from hunger or having a guaranteed minimum of daily calories, but also involves economic, social, cultural and environmental elements that must be considered for its fulfilment. Furthermore, the specific implications of the right to food regarding various population groups with different food and nutritional needs, such as children, women, Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants and others must be considered.

The participation of all actors in society is especially important at crucial moments, such as during the definition of a country's development model, as is currently happening in countries of the region with ongoing constitutional reform processes, to explicitly recognize the right to adequate food in the Constitution, as well as in legislative processes aimed to adopting a framework law on food and nutrition security.

It is hoped that this course will contribute to the empowerment of all sectors of society interested in food matters, in order to strengthen their participation in the generation of public policies and regulatory frameworks that promote the guarantee and fulfilment of the right to adequate food for all.


* Remember to write your name and surname correctly, as they will appear on the certificate.
You will not be able to change them later.


Course description:


Adequate food: the human right of us all

Type of course:

Self-paced course

Total duration of the course:

10 hours

Course modality and methodology:

To achieve the course objectives, an online self-paced methodology will be followed. The course will take approximately 10 hours to complete, and participants will be able to study at their own pace following the navigation instructions through the course provided by FAO Capacitación. To obtain the final certificate, participants must approve a final evaluation consisting of a multiple-choice test.

The course will consist of the following elements:

  • Introductory video to welcome participants to the course.
  • Contents: Sections of basic theoretical content relevant to the entire course that will be available on FAO Capacitación platform, which will be exportable to PDF format once the course is completed. During the course, drop-down windows will provide additional information. The course will also incorporate three videos of 3-5 minutes addressing the specific situation of the right to adequate food in Barbados, Guyana, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
  • Video and final summary/thank you section with key messages of the course.
  • Final evaluation with a test format of 20 multiple choice questions.
  • Final list of supplementary reading materials.
Start of the course:

The course will be available from December 6, 2023


The course is aimed at members of the general public interested in learning basic concepts related to the right to adequate food.


General objective:

The purpose of the course is to:

Provide an educational activity for the general public that will enable people to acquire basic concepts about the right to adequate food and the situation of this right in their country.

Specific objectives:
  • Contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about the right to adequate food among all the countries in the region.
  • Raise awareness among the general public about the importance of the right to adequate food in the daily life of all people and the role that each person plays in helping to guarantee this right.
  • Provide technical inputs that contribute to the empowerment of all sectors of society interested in food matters, in order to strengthen their participation and impact in the generation of public policies and regulatory frameworks that promote the protection and realization of the right to proper nutrition.

In this course you will acquire basic concepts about the human right to adequate food and the situation of this right in different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The topics that will be addressed in this course include: the content of the right to adequate food; the components of this right; its linkage with other human rights; the obligations of States with respect to this right; the measures that can be adopted to protect it; the role of actors other than States; the groups that enjoy special protection, and the protection of this right in emergency situations.

The course will be divided into seven parts, under the following structure:

PART I. Human Rights

  1. What are human rights? Concept
  2. Origin and development of human rights
  3. Principles

PART II. The right to adequate food

  1. What is the right to adequate food? Concept
  2. Components of the right to adequate food
  3. Difference between the right to adequate food and other related concepts
  4. International instruments that recognize the right to adequate food
  5. PANTHER Principles
  6. How is the right to food linked to other human rights?

PART III. Obligations of States and the role of other stakeholders

  1. General obligations of States regarding human rights
  2. Specific obligations of States in relation to the right to food
  3. What is the role of other actors in society regarding the right to adequate food?

PART IV. The right to adequate food and its special protection in certain groups of people

  1. Children and adolescents
  2. Women
  3. Indigenous Peoples
  4. Afro-descendants
  5. Older people, people with disabilities, people under detention or imprisonment and other groups

PART V. Protection of the Right to Adequate Food

  1. Legal instruments
  2. Policies, plans and programmes
  3. Budgets
  4. Monitoring and evaluation

PART VI. The protection of the right to adequate food in emergency situations

PART VII. Final comments

FAO Academic Courses:

The following courses from the FAO e-Learning Academy related to this topic were selected so that the participant can deepen their knowledge.

Approval requirements:

To approve the course, you must complete a final evaluation consisting of a multiple-choice test of 20 questions that covers all the content of the course, with unlimited attempts allowed. The minimum score needed to pass the course is 70%, considering the best score obtained out of all attempts.

The final grade obtained will be determined according to the following scale:

  • Outstanding: 90 to 100 points
  • Notable: 80 to 89 points
  • Pass: 70 to 79 points
  • Fail: 0 to 69 points
Hardware requirements:

For the correct completion of the course, the participant must have the following minimum technical specifications:

  • Computer or electronic device with an Internet connection.
  • The quality and speed of browsing and downloading documents will depend exclusively on the connection bandwidth.
  • RAM memory greater than 1GB.
  • Free space on hard disk greater than: 500 MB.
  • 600 MHz or higher processor.
Software requirements:
  • Latest version ofGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Opera web browser, with JavaScript activated.
  • Screen resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels (width by height).
  • PDF document reader
  • Android 7.0 onwards
  • Iphone IOS 11 onwards
Additional requirements:
  • Knowledge of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, fluent use of email and Internet navigation.
  • Availability of at least 3 hours for reading and taking the final exam.
  • The course is at the participant's own pace. You may enter the classroom at any time but should consider entering at least three times a week for readings and carrying out activities.

The course will be taught entirely in English.

Course code:



Once participants approve the course, they will be able to automatically download the certificate awarded by FAO RLC on the platform where the course is hosted.

Please remember to keep your certificate safe, as it will not be able to be downloaded again when this course has closed.

FAO strategic "Better" to which the course contributes:


BN1 (MN1: Healthy diets for all), BN2 (MN2: Nutrition for the most vulnerable)  

Related FAO Regional Initiative:


Technical team:
  • Manuela Cuvi Rodríguez (LEGN), responsible for course content
  • Carolina Flores Barros (LEGN), author and content editor
  • Course implementation: FAO Capacitación
Supervising officer:

Manuela Cuvi Rodríguez (LEGN)


For additional inquiries, please contact [email protected]