Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

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FIRMS-WECAFC Report of the Regional workshop on Recreational Fisheries Statistics in the Caribbean
Category: Oceans Partnership
Type of document: Reports
The workshop brought together 38 representatives from 13 Caribbean countries and overseas territories' fisheries departments, regional fisheries bodies, fisheries technical advisory institutions, non-governmental organizations, various fishery statistics specialists and other relevant stakeholders. Participants' knowledge of regional fishery data challenges and their capacities to address these challenges effectively were developed over the course of the workshop.
El marcado y la identificación de los barcos pesqueros
Category: Oceans Partnership
Type of document: Brochures
Los barcos pesqueros necesitan ser marcados de manera que puedan ser fácilmente identificados de acuerdo a estándares internacionales. El uso correcto del marcado de los barcos permite relacionar al barco pesquero con su identidad, según consta en los registros de buques. Esto permite recuperar la información operacional y/o histórica relacionada con la embarcación, incluyendo las autorizaciones de pesca y otras autorizaciones.
Report of the Third Regional Workshop on Caribbean Billfish Management and Conservation of the WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC Working Group on Recreational Fisheries
Category: Oceans Partnership
Type of document: Reports
Bilingual document: Report of the Third Regional Workshop on Caribbean Billfish Management and Conservation of the WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC Working Group on Recreational Fisheries. Bridgetown, Bridgetown, Barbados. 4-6 April 2017 / Informe del 3er Taller Regional sobre el Ordenamiento y la Conservación de los Picudos del Caribe del Grupo de Trabajo COPACO/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC sobre la Pesca Recreativa, Bridgetown, Barbados. 4-6 abril 2017
The Marking and Identification of Fishing Vessels
Category: Oceans Partnership
Type of document: Brochures
Fishing vessels need to be marked in such a way that they can be easily identified in accordance with international standards. Correct use of vessel markings enables a fishing vessel to be linked to its identity, as contained in vessel records. Through proper marking the operational and/or historical information related to the vessel can be retrieved, including its fishing and other authorisations.
The Caribbean Billfish Project
Category: Oceans Partnership
Type of document: Posters
Poster on The Caribbean Billfish Project.
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