Food for the cities programme

In-depth assessment

The In-depth Assessment module is the second part of the CRFS assessment, and involves targeted primary data collection, through methods such as focus groups, field surveys, and interviews with individual food system stakeholders.  

The purpose of this module is to collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data related to problems, bottlenecks, vulnerabilities, and lack of capacities within the priority areas of the CRFS (as identified in the Rapid Scan), and in some cases in relation to a small number of important commodity value chains. 

In addition, the In-depth Assessment provides an opportunity to fill data gaps from the Rapid Scan, where no secondary data was available. This ensures the existence of a more complete picture of the local context and character and functioning of the CRFS. 

The In-depth Assessment module contains five activities:   

  1. Drawing up a tailored indicator framework
  2. Developing the research method 
  3. Developing data collection instruments 
  4. Analyzing findings
  5. Reflection and reporting



Outputs for the ‘In-depth Assessment’ module

By the end of the In-depth Assessment module the project team will have: 

  • A customized indicator framework
  • A detailed written report of the in-depth assessment findings, including identification of causes of key strengths, problems, bottlenecks, vulnerabilities, and (lack of) capacities within the CRFS, and recommendations of those to be addressed in the Action planning module. 
  • A set of maps showing the spatial data and relationships between data sets
  • Short, accessible, visual presentations of key findings, such as infographics, dashboards, videos and factsheets

Through the activities in the In-depth Assessment module, the CRFS project will have generated stakeholder awareness of CRFS value chain performance.