Review of Canadian rejections in 2018

In Canada, in 2018, a total of 990 detentions of fish and fishery products were recorded in the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS). This total was organized into four categories: chemical, histamine, microbiological and other causes. As summarized in the table below, the majority of rejections (892 cases) were due to other causes, followed by chemical causes with 76 cases, histamine with 15 cases, and microbiological with seven cases.

Compared to 2017, there was a decrease in the number of rejections due to other causes, from 1 097 in 2017 to 892 in 2018. Chemical cases almost halved from 133 in 2017 to 76 in 2018, and also histamine from 30 in 2017 to 15 in 2018. The cases of detentions due to microbiological issues were the same as the previous year.

Generally, it is important to highlight that the trend of detentions in Canada has been steadily decreasing from 2012 until 2018.

Total 892 76 15 7 990
Month Others Chemical Histamine Microbiological Total
January 95 12 5 1 113
February 82 2 3 1 88
March 68 5 0 0 73
April 89 9 0 0 98
May 119 3 0 2 124
June 63 7 0 0 70
July 63 10 0 0 73
August 90 5 2 2 99
September 75 7 2 0 84
October 72 6 0 0 78
November 68 5 3 1 77
December 8 5 0 0 13

Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Percentage of the causes

Other causes account for 90 percent of the total rejections, chemical for eight percent, histamine for 1.5 percent, and microbiological for 0.5 percent.

Please click on each category  for more information


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