
21 October 2020 to 21 October 2020 - The COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented in modern times, continues to cause major disruption in societies around the world and inflict severe damage on the global economy. Governments have introduced an array of measures intended to slow the spread of the virus, including social ...
23 September 2020 to 23 September 2020 - View the full playlist for all 3 Dialogues   Social issues have become a major concern in fisheries, particularly regarding cases of labour rights violations and human rights abuses, which have been found at different stages of the fisheries value chain. Besides, the current ...
22 July 2020 to 22 July 2020 - L'11 marzo 2020, l'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (OMS) ha definito il COVID-19 pandemia. I settori della pesca e dell’acquacoltura sono stati colpiti duramente e la domanda di pesce fresco è diminuita drasticamente. La riduzione della domanda di prodotti ittici freschi è stata ...
18 November 2019 to 21 November 2019 - Marine and inland fisheries today are at an important crossroads. They make a crucial and growing contribution to food, nutrition and livelihood security. Yet, despite significant successes, there is a decreasing overall trend in the proportion of marine fish stocks caught within ...
09 October 2019 to 09 October 2019 - Fish is currently one of the most traded animal proteins worldwide in value terms. The fisheries sector is characterized by a wide range of product types and operators, making trade both global, diverse, and complex. These intensive international trade flows generate an associated economic activity – ...

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