

rice: 1/4 29
nuts, edible:
milk: 4 29
sugar: 1/2 29
cardamom: 3

Dish Type: Dessert

Country: India
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): average (30 minutes - 2 hours)
1. Soak rice in water for an hour. Boil milk and add rice to it. Stir constantly over low fire till rice is fully cooked and a thick consistency is reached.
2. Add sugar, cardamoms (partly ground), and dried nuts. Stir for a few more minutes. Serve hot or cold.

International Rice Institute (IRRI) & International Women's Organization (SUHAY), VIRMANI, Inderjeet (ED)(1991), Home Chefs of the World - Rice and Rice-based Recipes, ISBN 971-22-0023-X, Manila, Philippines