KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Webinar | Mitigating Africa’s and Asia’s Locust Infestation amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

©FAO/Sven Torfinn
29/04/2020 29/04/2020


  • Dominique Burgeon, Director of Emergency and Rehabilitation Division, FAO
  • Stephanie Hanson, Senior Vice President, One Acre Fund
  • Matt Nims, Deputy Director, USAID Office of Food for Peace
  • Vimlendra Sharan, Director, Liaison Office for North America, FAO
  • Steven Burak, Coordinator, Regional Desert Locust Alliance and Project Development Manager for the Horn of Africa, ACTED
  • H.E. Umer Husen (invited), Minister of Agriculture, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

These are exceedingly difficult times for farmers in East Africa and South Asia. Amid the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, swarms of locusts numbering in the hundreds of billions are inundating the regions—the worst infestation of its kind in 25 years. In East Africa, the FAO believes the oncoming second wave of locusts “represents an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods because [the second wave] coincides with the beginning of the long rains and the planting season.” 

The aim of the event is threefold:

  • Deliver a detailed update on the locust infestations in East Africa and South Asia – their scope, trajectory, and current level of damage
  • Summarize FAO’s efforts in affected areas to mitigate the swarms, noting key challenges, proven interventions, and the economic costs of inaction
  • Identify policy actions necessary to prevent widespread food insecurity in affected areas

Watch the livecast below:

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