KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience


28/11/2022 30/11/2022

Agriculture and food systems face multiple and interconnected risks and crises, with dire impacts on food insecurity and nutrition. FAO implements multi-risk and impact management actions, including nature-based solutions and specifically, forest-based solutions, with a focus on food crisis and emergency situations in order to contribute to SDG 2: Zero Hunger. This fireside chat highlights nature-based food and agriculture solutions for building more resilient agrifood systems, especially in the face of climate change and emergencies. By showcasing examples of FAO projects/programmes in collaboration with partners, this event illustrates forest-based solutions as lifelines for strengthening resilience for food security for all.   

 About the Nature for Life Hub:  

The Nature for Life Hub is a virtual venue for multiple events over three days to raise awareness and mobilize global action on nature. The overarching themes are:  


  • PLANETARY SAFETY NET – Taking action on nature as a planetary safety net for humanity  
  • NEW ECONOMY – Transforming financial and economic systems to create a new economy for the future that accounts for nature's value  
  • NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS – Harnessing the power of nature-based solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals  

These events are pre-recorded by partners, and broadcast live through the official virtual platform. This year, it is focusing on producing content that can be shared as compelling social media assets, reaching global audiences after the Hub. Over the five days, the virtual hub will take audiences on various thematic journeys, delving deep into specialist topics, practical solutions and ambitious actions. The hub is an opportunity to hear from political and corporate leaders, the world’s youth, Indigenous and community leaders, local authorities and cutting-edge thinkers, leaders, and practitioners. Each day will culminate in key messages to be issued by the coalition of partners to live beyond the Hub on social media and to be fed into the Rio Conventions’ three Convention negotiation processes. 

Speakers and videos:

·        Sylvie Wabbes Candotti, Emergency and rehabilitation officer, FAO (moderator)  

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