KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning 2018 - Learning to strengthen resilience: What do we know, and the paths ahead?

The Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning Community of Practice (CoP), in conjunction with members and partners, is pleased to announce the RMEL CoP Conference 2018.

This conference will convene: resilience measurement and research specialists; resilience monitoring, evaluation and learning practitioners; and resilience technical advisors, programmers and influencers. It will highlight the state-of-the-art in resilience measurement, evaluation and learning, and will bring forward evidence and knowledge about what works for enhancing the resilience of people and systems in differing contexts.

Drawing on the findings, experience and expertise of specialists from diverse sectors, disciplines and geographies, the conference will develop a forward-looking agenda for future advances and innovations in resilience measurement, evaluation and learning, and identify critical themes for research and knowledge development for resilience that respond to practitioner and policy maker knowledge needs.

Sign up here if you want to be notified as more details become available.

RMEL CoP Members: Please note that there will be a convening and business meeting on November 12th.

KORE, July 11 2018 - 14:51:
Dear Japheth, thank you for your comment.
You are invited to sign up at this link to have more details on the event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6Rvac0-KpeRbECyIPm1JZ6mm_1lcnQPMd9uO4QYVtJpPZRA/viewform
Japheth, July 11 2018 - 11:19:
Will be happy to participate. Where will the event be?

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