KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Global Refugee Forum

© FAO / Luis Tato

Guided by the Global Compact on Refugees, the Global Refugee Forum is an opportunity to translate the principle of international responsibility-sharing into concrete action. Convened at the ministerial level, the Forum will bring the international community together to announce bold, new measures to:

  • Ease pressures on host countries;
  • Enhance refugee self-reliance;
  • Expand access to third-country solutions; and 
  • Support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity

The Forum will showcase impactful pledges and contributions and the exchange of good practices that call on States, refugees, development actors, the private sector, UN entities, civil society organizations, academics and faith leaders, among others, to play a part. Refugees themselves are at the forefront of preparations for the Global Refugee Forum and are involved and consulted throughout.

This first Forum will focus on six themes:

  • Arrangements for burden and responsibility-sharing
  • Education
  • Jobs and livelihoods
  • Energy and infrastructure
  • Solutions
  • Protection capacity

Click here for the draft agenda.

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