Peuples Autochtones

Indigenous Women Photo Contest in Africa

Indigenous Women and Food Security

30/10/2018 - 

Under the framework of the Global Campaign for the Empowerment of Indigenous Women for Zero Hunger, FAO and Samburu Women Trust launch the Photo Contest “How do indigenous women contribute to food security?.”

We invite indigenous women from Africa to participate in this initiative that seeks to highlight the different ways in which indigenous women contribute to food security and to the economic and social development of their communities.


We want to make the contributions and challenges of indigenous women visible in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger.


All indigenous women from Africa can participate without age limit.

  • Entries start from the 30th of October 2018 through to the 28th of November 2018.
  • One participant can submit up to 3 photographs
  • Participants should ensure to keep the digital files of the photographs they send for any questions or clarification
  • Photos received after 28th November, 2018 will not be taken into consideration.


The photographs should fulfil the following characteristics:

  • Should be submitted with a brief explanation/caption in English about what the photographs depict. Participants are encouraged to write the explanation/caption in English and own Indigenous language. 
  • Photos should be unpublished, unique and original.
  • Be done in black and white or color techniques, without having been manipulated by collage, photomontage or digital illustration through a program that allows adding or deleting parts of the image or replacing them with other elements than real photography.
  • If the photograph shows face of person(s), the participant should consider that the photos must be taken with their consent and have the corresponding authorization of consent to use and publish them.


All photos should be submitted via email to [email protected] with subject - “Photo contest – Indigenous Women”.


  • When submitting photographs, participants must express their agreement for the photographs to be disseminated without profit, giving the corresponding credits to their authors. 
  • Of all the photographs received, three photographs will be chosen as the winners. 
  • FAO and other organizations will have the rights to use the photographs received under this contest. The organizations commit themselves to give credit to their authors and respect the title of the work in the promotion and dissemination of the photographs in any media channels.
  • All intellectual property rights of the photographs are conferred to FAO.
  • Participants authorize FAO to disseminate the photographs through online communication systems or printed.


The selection of the photos will be based on their capacity to portray the contributions and challenges on indigenous women to food security and the achievement of Zero Hunger and their technical quality. 

Representatives of FAO and Samburu Women Trust will compose the jury. 


The three winners will be announced in the FAO website and will be disseminated across all relevant platforms.