Peuples Autochtones

FAO and the Islamic Development Bank Actively working together on how indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge can provide answers to today’s global challenges

05/04/2019 - 

During the Islamic Development Banks 44th Annual meeting took place on the 3rd to 6th April 2019 in Marrakesh, Morocco, FAO co-hosted a side event titled “How Indigenous Youth Integrate Traditional Knowledge, Innovation and Technology”


 “Without indigenous peoples, we will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly, the Zero Hunger Goal. Indigenous food systems and indigenous traditional knowledge have survived hundreds and sometimes thousands of years, therefore they may have today some of the answers of tomorrow” emphasizes Yon Fernandez de Larrinoa, Leader of the FAO Indigenous peoples team during the event.

Indigenous Peoples Traditional knowledge is disappearing at an alarming rate with the migration of indigenous youth to urban centres, due to the loss of their lands and resources fueled by extractive industries pressure, concessions, development projects, climate change and conflict. 

In line with the theme of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues’ eighteenth session “Traditional knowledge: Generation, transmission and protection”, the Islamic Development Bank co-organized this side event calling attention to the need of preserved traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples food systems and ensure the transmission of the ancestral territorial management techniques and wisdom to face the climate change effects. This side event featured experiences on how indigenous elders and youth utilize and share knowledge, combining innovation and technologies with traditions to ensure the preservation and management of indigenous food systems.

“Indigenous peoples are facing escalating pressures at a time when their cultures and livelihoods are already exposed to significant stress,” says Dr. Hayat Sindi, Chief Scientific Advisor of the IsDB. “By partnering with FAO, we can promote and protect Indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge through the lens of science, technology and innovation, to tackle the most pressing sustainable development issues.”

The speakers included H.E Bandar M. H. Hajjar President of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group; Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of the International fund for Agricultural Development; Meriem Wallet Aboubacrine, President of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; Hayat Sidi Chief Scientific Advisor and vice president of the Islamic Development Bank. 



The Agenda can be found here

IsDB Press Release can be found here 

Watch clips from the session :