Pueblos Indígenas


12 Aug 2022
En este Día Internacional de la Juventud (12 de agosto), lee más sobre la resiliencia de los jóvenes indígenas y cómo están afrontando el cambio climático, el COVID-19 y otros retos con soluciones innovadoras.   Historia: https://www.fao.org/fao-stories/article/es/c/1599198/  Publicación: https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb6895en/ 
29 Jul 2022
Únase a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y al Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Socialesde las Naciones Unidas (DAES) en el Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas para debatir el papel clave de las mujeres indígenas en la preservación y transmisión del conocimiento tradicional. Fecha: 9 Agosto 22, 11...
18 Jul 2022
Rome - A Committee on Agriculture COAG28 side event highlighted the game-changing nature of indigenous Peoples’ food systems, and drew lessons for transforming agrifood systems towards sustainability and resilience in light of COAG28 and COP27. Considered some of the oldest and most sustainable on the planet, Indigenous Peoples’ food systems are intimately tied to nature and able to provide food and nutritional security while maintaining biodiversity and supporting climate resilience.  It is therefore not surprising to see that Indigenous Peoples’ food systems are at the crossroads of several global policy discussions, such as the UN...
12 Jul 2022
From COAG to COP27: Indigenous Peoples’ food systems for sustainable and resilient food systemsDate: 18 July, 12.15 to 13.45 hours Timezone: CEST Please note that this is a hybrid event. To participate online, please register here: https://bit.ly/COAGSideEvent For people with access to the FAO building: Taking into account health security measures, we kindly ask those interested in participating in person to send an email to [email protected] to confirm the availability of attending in person in the Sheikh Zayed Centre.   DescriptionIndigenous Peoples’ food systems are at the crossroads of several global policy discussions, such as the UN Food Systems...