Pueblos Indígenas


09 Mar 2022
La infancia de Mariah Gladstone sentó las bases perfectas para el trabajo que realiza estos días, con el que insufla nueva vida a las tradiciones culinarias de los pueblos indígenas a través de su programa de cocina en línea Indigikitchen. Gracias a su enfoque de dietas sostenibles, y utilizando legumbres y otros alimentos ancestrales, Mariah se convirtió en Campeona del Foro alimentario mundial, una iniciativa liderada por jóvenes puesta en marcha por la FAO y una red internacional de asociados, a fin de empoderar a...
04 Feb 2022
As the final event in a webinar series on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for COVID-19 prevention along the food supply chain, this webinar will discuss the value and application of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge throughout the COVID-19 crisis and explore opportunities for replication in other contexts. Participants will deliberate on the role of traditional knowledge in the sustainability and resilience of Indigenous Peoples’ food systems and the disproportionate challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples during...
13 Jan 2022
A series covering 6 key, resilient Indigenous Peoples’ food systems from around the world was published by Mongabay. Based on the award-winning, FAO- Bioversity International publication, Indigenous Peoples’ food systems: Insights on sustainability and resilience from the front line of climate change (2021).   The report provides an overview on the common and unique sustainability elements of Indigenous Peoples' food systems, in terms of...
18 Nov 2021
Indigenous Peoples’ and other traditional knowledge systems are deemed ‘unscientific’ when assessed against conventional hierarchies of evidence. Science–policy processes building on the commitments of the UN Food Systems Summit must ensure that due recognition, acceptance and prominence are given to traditional knowledge. Not all evidence is created equal. Recent decades have seen the development of numerous hierarchies of evidence, which attempt to rank different research methods according to the strength of their findings, and thus provide a sound and defensible foundation for science-based policy development. The first formal hierarchies of evidence emerged in the clinical sciences to facilitate assessments of the...
06 Nov 2021
Climate change is affecting fisheries and food systems worldwide, and the Polar Oceans are no exception. Ocean warming and acidification are expected to disrupt current practices, from resource distribution and abundance, to timing and locations of fishing, landing sites, fish preservation, marketing and consumption, and even to allocation of fishing quotas among countries. Responses to climate change and its impacts are urgently needed to build sustainability into the fisheries sector, which is contributing significantly to food, nutrition and livelihood security for local communities especially in developing countries, with...