Pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada (pesca INDNR)
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Peru defines further measures to tackle IUU fishing

© Gustavlo Vilner / FAO

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing threatens the food and nutritional security of some 300 000 Peruvians engaged in the fishing sector.

Since Monday, February 25, and for the duration of this week, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in close coordination with the Peruvian Vice Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Production and with the financial support of the European Union (EU), is delivering a workshop to define measures against IUU fishing in Peru.

The workshop is the thirtieth of its kind delivered by FAO within the framework of FAO’s global capacity development programme to support the implementation of the Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA).

More than 70 people are participating in the workshop, including officials from the Ministry of Production, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate of Harbour Masters and Coastguard, National Port Authority and the National Customs and Tax Administration, as well as international experts of FAO.

The meeting was opened by the Vice Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Javier Atkins, who confirmed the willingness of the fisheries administration to strengthen the governance of fisheries in Peru through inter-institutional work. 

The outcome of the five-day workshop will be the development of a national strategy and action plan, defining specific measures to strengthen the position of Peru as a port, flag, coastal and market State to tackle IUU fishing.