FAO Members Gateway


World Fisheries Day
17 November 2020
The Holy See and the FAO join hands again to celebrate the World Fisheries Day. The celebrations, which this year mark the 75th Anniversary of the FAO and the 100th anniversary of Stella Maris, will also include...
How do you prefer to read? On your phone, on your tablet, on your computer, or in print? And maybe the way you do it today is not the same as six months ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has led us...
The October 2020 edition of the FAO publications catalogue is now available, released  to coincide with the digital Frankfurt book fair (14–18 October). It includes the latest editions of the State of the World flagship reports, the brand new FAO...
On 5 November 2020, from 12.30 to 14.30hrs, FAO Director-General, Dr QU Dongyu, will host a virtual High-Level event launching the Food Coalition. This dialogue will call for international cooperation and concrete, coordinated and joint global actions to strengthen food...
To keep up to date on FAO’s most recent publications, sign up to the monthly newsletter produced by the Publications team of the Office of Communications, which provides a selection of key titles, such as FAO’s flagships and other...