
FAO and the Mississippi State University (MSU) sponsor the briefing on “Blue Growth: Future of Fish as a Significant Food Source” at the US Congress

16/06/2017 - 

The Mississippi State University (MSU) and the Liaison Office for North America of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sponsored  a Congressional Legislative Briefing on “Blue Growth: Future of Fish as a Significant Food Source” on 5 June 2017  in Washington. Dr. Mark Lawrence, Director at MSU’s Global Center for Aquatic Food Security highlighted aquaculture challenges, including feed, seed stocks, disease outbreaks and potential for antimicrobial resistance. Dr. Melba Reantaso, FAO Aquaculture Officer, wrapped up the briefing discussing the way forward for aquaculture and fisheries’ contribution to world food security under the Blue Growth Initiative. In closing, Dr. Kent Hobet, Dean of MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine said "We are pleased to partner with FAO in the Blue Growth Initiative. We look forward to working with our colleagues from other universities to help our country achieve its potential in aquaculture and fisheries and to address issues of global food security."

Fisheries and aquaculture remain important sources of food, nutrition, income, and livelihoods for hundreds of millions of people around the world. Production from aquaculture in 2014 amounted to 73.8 million tonnes, valued at $160.2 billion. About 56.6 million people are engaged in the primary sector of capture fisheries and aquaculture. Tremendous potential for oceans and inland waters exists now, and even more so in the future, to contribute significantly to food security and adequate nutrition for a global population that is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050.