Mobilisation des ressources


05 Nov 2019
Le dernier rapport sur le partenariat FAO + Suisse présente les résultats catalyseurs et les solutions innovantes découlant de la collaboration de la FAO avec l'un de ses partenaires les plus solides.
24 Oct 2019
La deuxième édition du rapport annuel de la FAO sur les partenariats et les résultats, intitulé Ressources, partenariats, Impact - 2019, a pour ambition de présenter de manière transparente et responsable ce qu’est la FAO, ce qu’elle fait et comment elle travaille main dans la main avec différents partenaires du système des...
23 Oct 2019
Aujourd'hui l'UE, les groupes de pays africains, caribéens et du Pacifique (ACP) et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) ont signé un programme sur cinq ans, le FISH4ACP. D'une valeur de 40 millions d'euros, le programme vise à stimuler le développement de la pêche et de l'aquaculture durables en Afrique, dans les Caraïbes et dans la région Pacifique.
19 Mar 2019
On 1 March 2019, the Government of Japan confirmed an additional voluntary contribution of 10 268 749 USD to FAO’s work. Specifically, these funds will allow for the implementation of 19 humanitarian and development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, and Asia, advancing food and nutrition security in the partner countries, restoring and strengthening livelihoods in areas affected by social, environmental, and economic crises, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices, resources management and productivity. "It is our great pleasure to announce that Japan will support FAO's work through additional resources from its supplementary budget 2018", said His Excellency...
07 Mar 2019
The Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) sealed an agreement with FAO today, detailing technical support to the National Council for Environment of Sudan, and turning ongoing cooperation activities between Italy and Sudan into tangible projects and initiatives to implement. Two approved projects totaling 1 611 877 Euro will enhance and protect rural livelihoods in Sudan thanks to tailored climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. The projects have specifically been developed within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in November 2016 between IMELS and the former Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development (MENRPD)...
31 Jan 2019
During intensive three days, and in an appreciative and collaborative atmosphere, FAO and the Government of Japan reviewed the progress of their partnership and discussed common priorities and new humanitarian and development projects for the year ahead.  On 31 January, at FAO headquarters in Rome, the Third Annual Strategic Consultation between FAO and Japan, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), took place. The Japanese delegation was led by Mr Hiroki Takabayashi, Director of the Economic Security Division, MOFA, and Mr Yoshihiro Kuraya, Director for International Agricultural Organizations, MAFF. FAO was...
19 Dec 2018
On 12 December 2018, Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), agreed to support FAO projects and programmes over the next four years with SEK 280 million (USD 31 million*). This contribution will bolster the FAO Medium Term Plan 2018-21 and related programme of work and budget, as well as specific programmes designed to enhance the livelihoods of rural women, youth and small-scale fishing communities, and promote the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Sweden committed SEK 148 million to the revitalized phase of FAO’s Flexible Multi-partner Mechanism** (FMM), a pooled mechanism established...
13 Dec 2018
Today, at FAO headquarters in Rome, representatives of FAO met with the Directorate General of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of the Kingdom of Belgium during the bi-annual, bilateral consultations. The partners took stock of results, challenges, and opportunities, and outlined common priorities for the next two years, building on best practices and good experiences ‘on the ground’. A particular focus was put on strengthening the collaboration with private partners and on innovation. In a results-oriented and constructive meeting, FAO and Belgium covered a wide range of topics, such as: development and humanitarian results achieved in the Belgian Cooperation’s focus countries; multi-partner coordination...