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FAO + Canada. Building resilience and empowering women for food and nutrition security

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted agri-food systems.

Unless we take immediate action, we risk a food crisis with long-term impacts for millions of people. With Canada’s contribution of over USD 17 million through FAO's COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme, FAO and Canada will strengthen the resilience of agri-food systems and livelihoods. Together we will work across 9 countries in Africa and Latin America to…

1 Enhance the participation of women and indigenous peoples in agriculture

2 Improve data collection and monitoring for better agri-food systems

3 Foster climate-smart and sustainable agriculture 4 Support access to diversified and nutritious food and increased incomes

5 Strengthen community resilience and risk reduction along the food chain

6 Boost local dynamic platforms for enhanced agricultural production 7 Promote income diversification activities to stabilize livelihoods

Thank you, Canada, for helping us build back better. Only together can we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

