Pastoralist Knowledge Hub


Rangeland restoration and sustainable pastoralism go hand in hand. This was the main conclusion of a session titled: “Guardians of Rangelands: combatting desertification in the rangeland through sustainable pastoralism,” jointly organized by FAO’s Pastoralist Knowledge Hub and the International Union...

The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub is happy to announce the release of a new Database of Organizations, which contains profiles of organizations working with pastoralists. The database can be accessed here. Compiled with the help of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International, the...
Leaders of FAO, IFAD and WFP wrap up four-day visit to see drought-response
Addis Ababa, 5 September 2017 - Speaking at the conclusion of a four-day visit to Ethiopia, including to the drought-stricken Somali region, the heads of the United Nations food agencies made a joint call for greater investment in long-term activities that...
More than 8.5 million people require food assistance
1 September 2017, Dolobat village, Ethiopia - Survival priorities are clear for livestock owner Mohamed: "I need to save my animals to sustain my life," he says, sitting outside his thatched home in Dolobat village in Somali region. This part of...
Pastoralist communities are facing huge losses of livestock
Supporting herders to get back on their feet and preventing further livestock losses and suffering are crucial in drought-hit Ethiopia where hunger has been on the rise this year, warned today the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations...