مجموعة أدوات تسجيل مبيدات الآفات

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Is the Pesticide Registration Toolkit available off line?

In short; No, unless on special and motivated request. An off-line copy of the website has only limited use.

Parts of the Pesticide Registration Toolkit can be made available off-line on CD-ROM or USB. However, using the toolkit without an internet connection makes sense only for the items in the "Toolkit menu" and even then the tools often refer to sources elsewhere on the internet.

Items in the Information Sources menu depend too heavily on the greater internet and cannot be made available off-line.

Is the Pesticide Registration Toolkit ever updated?

Yes. The Toolkit is continuously updated with new contents, ranging from entirely new modules to smaller corrections or updates in existing text. Updates can be based on suggestions we get from registration staff, scientists or other interested parties. Experts in various technical topics are also consulted by FAO to check whether up-to-date information is being provided in the Toolkit.

Major updates are announced in the News section on the home page.

Can I use the Toolkit effectively if I don’t have any experience yet in pesticide registration?

To be honest; No. You should either have some experience in pesticide registration, or be trained, to make optimal use of the Toolkit. The Toolkit is most effective if you roughly know what you are looking for: a specific data requirement for a particular pesticide use pattern; or whether a pesticide is registered in a particular country; or how best to evaluate the occupational risk of using a pesticide; etc.

The Toolkit contains an enormous amount of information, and it can be “intimidating” for newly appointed pesticide registration staff to start using it. However, the Toolkit can be used to train beginning staff in the principles of pesticide registration and evaluation, or to increase the capacity of more experienced staff in specific technical aspects of pesticide evaluation.

More information on capacity building is provided in the Training section on the home page.