Peste des petits ruminants


SMALL RUMINANT POPULATION (goat-sheep): 29.700.000 - 28.900.000
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION FIRST/LAST OUTBREAK: PPR was first suspected in Ethiopia in 1977 following clinical observations consistent with infection with PPR and was later diagnosed as the causative agent of disease in goats in the country in 1991.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES: Ethiopia has been implementing PPR vaccination, in response to outbreaks, in different part of the country for the past 10 years. Currently implementation of control activities through focused vaccination, in targeted geographical areas. (Self-assessment: Stage 2 while some of activities of stage 1 are remaining behind).
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Ethiopia has one of the largest livestock inventories in Africa providing support for the livelihoods of an estimated 80 percent of the rural poor. Animal rearing is an integral part of agricultural production. The livestock sub-sector contributes some 45 per cent of agricultural GDP, 19-20 per cent of national GDP, and 19-20 per cent of total exports. About 85-90% of mixed crop-livestock farmers and 21.6 million agro-pastoralists and pastoralists depend on livestock as a major economic activity for their livelihoods.