الحد من الفقر الريفي

Many countries have already developed successful policies and strategies that are lifting people out of poverty and hunger and that serve as examples for others, especially those with similar socio-cultural and economic backgrounds. Knowledge sharing through South-South and Triangular Cooperation is a very powerful tool to facilitate the exchange of lessons learnt and best practices among countries of the global south and help them end poverty and hunger. FAO views South-South and Triangular Cooperation as a broad framework for collaboration among developing countries that is rooted in the concept of solidarity, breaking the traditional dichotomy between donors and recipients.

With this in mind, FAO is promoting the Knowledge Exchange Platforms on rural poverty reduction (KEPs), a tool to facilitate direct knowledge exchange among countries facing similar challenges, and foster mutual cooperation to meet SDG 1 (no poverty) and SDG 2 (end hunger) by 2030. The KEPs seek to improve countries’ capacities to design and implement solutions to reduce rural poverty and hunger, building on existing knowhow available in other countries on sustainable and inclusive agricultural and rural transformations. Since 2016, the Knowledge Exchange Platforms (KEPs) are active in China, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal, where national policies and strategies have lifted the population out of poverty and hunger.