الحق في الغذاء

جميع الموارد

Right to Food Publication, 2013.
This publication documents the most important elements from the Global Strategic Framework that support and illustrate the systematic mainstreaming of the right to adequate food in this consensually adopted global framework. It also offers important suggestions to stakeholders on how to translate this global consensus into practice at the national level. 

الكلمات الدالة: Etudes mondiales - Sensibilisation - Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle - Politiques institutionnelles

Right to Food Handbooks 1, 2014.
This first handbook of the group devoted to legislation presents the right to food within the international framework of human rights, especially the ICESCR and other relevant international instruments, as well as the different forms of constitutional recognition at country level.

الكلمات الدالة: Outils éducatifs - Formation - Thèmes juridiques - Droits - Droit international - Législation nationale - Obligations - Recours

Right to Food Handbooks 2, 2014.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide practical information and guidelines for national legislators and individual parties or groups interested in order to improve the process of developing a framework law for the right to food.

الكلمات الدالة: Outils éducatifs - Formation - Thèmes juridiques - Droits - Droit international - Législation nationale - Obligations - Recours

Right to Food Handbooks 3, 2014.
This handbook presents the process to be followed for the revision of sectoral legislation, since it may affect various aspects of the right to food. The purpose of this revision is to ensure that the legal framework of the country is favourable for the progressive realization of the right to food.

الكلمات الدالة: Outils éducatifs - Formation - Thèmes juridiques - Droits - Droit international - Législation nationale - Obligations - Recours

Right to Food Handbooks 4, 2014.
This handbook, introductory to the group of those which are devoted to the process of monitoring the right to food, presents the conceptual basis for monitoring centered and based on a human rights approach. It also provides a description of the methodological and analytical agenda for monitoring.

الكلمات الدالة: Outils éducatifs - Formation - Suivi - Analyse - Indicateurs - Capacités institutionnelles - Ciblage - Méthodologies

Right to Food Handbooks 5, 2014.
This handbook presents the basic process to be followed for monitoring policies, programmes and projects aimed at the right to food, starting from the components that distinguish it from a conventional monitoring framework: the basic content of the right to food, the State obligations and the principles of human rights.

الكلمات الدالة: Outils éducatifs - Formation - Suivi - Analyse - Indicateurs - Capacités institutionnelles - Ciblage - Méthodologies

Right to Food Handbooks 6, 2014.
This third handbook on monitoring the right to food provides detail on the information needed for monitoring, information gathering methods, information systems and databases for monitoring as well as on dissemination of information.

الكلمات الدالة: Outils éducatifs - Formation - Suivi - Indicateurs - Capacités institutionnelles - Ciblage - Méthodologies

Right to Food Handbooks 7, 2014.
This handbook provides practical information and tools for conducting a right to food assessment as a first step in a strategy to ensure this right and to take the appropriate measures accordingly with the obligation of progressive realization of this right.

الكلمات الدالة: Évaluation - Analyse de la sécurité alimentaire - Etudes mondiales - Analyse de l'impact - Analyse du budget de l'État - Analyse situationnelle - Outils éducatifs - Formation

Right to Food Handbooks 8, 2014.
This handbook provides information on some of the aspects in which the public budget plays an important role for the realization of the right to food. It also addresses the implementation of advocacy actions based on an analysis of government budgets.

الكلمات الدالة: Évaluation - Analyse de la sécurité alimentaire - Etudes mondiales - Analyse de l'impact - Analyse du budget de l'État - Analyse situationnelle - Outils éducatifs - Formation

Right to Food Handbooks 9, 2014.
This handbook provides an overview of who is who and what his/her role is in the realization of the human right to food. This information enhances the possibilities of coordination and collaboration between the different actors as well as accountability.

الكلمات الدالة: Développement des capacités - Sensibilisation - Programme curriculaire - Outils éducatifs - Renforcement du pouvoir d'action - Formation

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