Инвестиционный центр ФАО
Private sector investors can help to empower farmers and optimise returns by partnering with governments and development agencies, reveals
It goes without saying that water is key to producing the food we eat. But water is becoming increasingly scarce, driven...
© FAO/Fermin Dibarboure
FAO’s updated RuralInvest toolkit supports field technicians working with rural entrepreneurs, putting them on track to successfully grow their businesses...
The COVID-19 pandemic established food e-commerce as a global phenomenon. Lockdowns and closures drove consumers online and led to a...
Smallholder farmers, who run the overwhelming majority of the world's more than 600 million farms, depend heavily on market price...
©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
Technical assistance targets food security in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia as well as the West Bank and Gaza....