Conjunto de Herramientas para la Gestión Forestal Sostenible (GFS)

Integrating the SDGs: showing contributions by forests and trees to the 2030 Agenda


The Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox team is pleased to announce that the toolbox now incorporates the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the platform to emphasize the connection between the toolbox modules and the SDGs. This fits the theme of the 24th Session of the Committee on Forestry (‘Forests and Sustainable Development Goals: from aspiration to action’) held at FAO headquarters in Rome in July 2018.

While the contribution made by forests and trees to SDG 15: Life on Land, is well-known, it is also important to recognize that forests and trees contribute to many other Sustainable Development Goals. This is demonstrated in FAO’s 2018 State of the World’s Forests. To further emphasize the connections between forests and the SDGs, users of the SFM toolbox modules will now find relevant SDG icons, with targets and explanations, on the left side of each module’s specific page. Please note that this list is not meant to be exhaustive, but instead illustrates a number of the relationships between the SDGs and thematic areas of work in sustainable forest management.

The 24th session of the Committee on Forestry and the 6th World Forest Week explore in more depth the contributions that forests can make to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Watch the webcasts here.

Also see the official site:

Or browse the SFM Toolbox modules here to discover their contribution to SDGs.

Photo credit: ©FAO/Joan Manuel