Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Manual for integrated field data collection

Author Branthomme A. (ed)
Year of publication 2012
This manual provides guidelines and descriptions of the field data collection methodology and procedures used to inventory and monitor forestry and other land use resources following the approach developed by the Support to National Forest Resources Monitoring and Assessment (NFMA) Programme of the FAO. The purpose of a NFMA is to assess and monitor forest and other natural resources, land uses and management practices, in order to provide new qualitative and quantitative information on the state, use, management and trends of these resources and the ecosystems. In particular, the information can be used to plan, design and implement national and international policies and strategies for sustainable use and conservation of natural ecosystems, and to understand the relationship between resources and users of resources. The field manual is addressed to field data collectors as well as to national forest inventory planners, trainers and field inventory supervisors. The methods, assessment variables and tools presented in this field manual template are not rigid. They have to be tailored and adapted to each individual country, taking into account national contexts, social and ecological environments, and information requirements at the national level.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility