FAO in Timor-Leste

M&E Meeting and Survey to Extension Workers in Manufahi Municipality


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Timor-Leste collaborates with The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to build Monitoring and Evaluation System through the implementation of the “Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Monitoring and Evaluation System” (MAF M&E) Project. The project is designed to support M&E capacity of the MAF not only through development of an M&E System, but most of all by building capacity to collect, analyse and use data for improved planning, programming and decision making.

The project Team (Ms. Isabel Pereira, FAO, Mr. Filomeno Moreira, Chief of the MAF M&E Department, Mrs. Lorena Ximenes, MAF M&E Department, and Mr. Adão Martins from the Cabinet of Minister MAF) conduct meetings and survey sessions with all Agriculture Extension Workers at suco level, across all municipalities of Timor-Leste. The purpose of the exercise is To acquire necessary information from all Extension Workers regarding their current and future role in planning, monitoring and reporting and To introduce the ‘MAF M&E’ Project to the Extension Workers and Directorates of Municipality Agriculture Services.

During the meetings, a digital survey is run and results of each survey are presented to the respondents immediately afterwards using a dashboard. This presents the technology which will be used for the overall M&E system of the MAF. So far, ten meetings and surveys have been conducted with three more planned for the month of September 2019. Results of the survey will be disseminated in October.