Contact us!

The TR4 Global Network (TR4GN) is a leading platform for exchange and collaboration aimed at becoming a knowledge hub for awareness and prevention of the spread of the disease. TR4GN supports tools, information about technologies, capacity development materials, and any other material that may contribute to generate awareness and knowledge to contain the disease.

  • Individual users can provide content on an ad hoc basis.
  • Individual users and interested entities may register on the TR4 Global Network.
  • Interested entities such as retailers, importers, producers, exporters, consumer associations, governments, research institutions, trade unions, and civil society organizations may also join the World Banana Forum.

For further info, please contact [email protected]

Reporting cases of Fusarium TR4

If you believe you have a case of Fusarium TR4, the first step is to contact your National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO).


Find the contact information for your country