©FAO/Fazil Dusunceli

About the TR4GN


A global platform for information exchange and collaboration on Fusarium Tropical Race 4 (TR4), supporting actions to fight the disease worldwide through science-based knowledge, an outstanding collection of resources, hands-on tools, functional information, guidelines and capacity development materials that provide support to all stakeholders along the banana value chain.


  1. As a neutral convener, create the basis for inclusive and open collaboration around the world, which benefits both users in the field and technicians as well as decision makers.
  2. Enable an environment of information and understanding about TR4, gathering efforts from World Banana Forum (WBF) members as well as from governments, the academy and the banana industry.
  3. Catalyze materials, findings, events that are relevant for the common fight against TR4.
  4. Facilitate the creation of partnerships at local and regional levels by bringing visibility to the different industry stakeholders and their actions in fighting TR4.
  5. Become the reference for awareness raising and capacity development materials in order to allow prevention and control actions. 

TR4GN in Practice

The TR4GN is coordinated by the World Banana Forum (WBF) Secretariat, hosted by FAO's Markets and Trade Division (EST), and supported by FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP). 

The TR4 Task Force of the World Banana Forum (WBF), conformed by a group of experts from different countries and sectors (governments, private sector, CSOs, research institutions), will support the process by providing input and feedback for the production of materials, as well as by validating those provided by users. The user base will encompass anyone interested in banana production and its sustainability around the world. By accessing the content available on the website, users can also become part of the exchange, by sharing information, data and materials with the facilitators.