World Programme for the Census of Agriculture

Global Consultation on the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020), Volume 2 ''Operational Guidelines''


The FAO Statistics Division (FAO ESS) has recently prepared the final draft of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020), Volume 2 ''Operational Guidelines'' based on countries experiences, and fruitful consultations with census stakeholders. We would like to invite you to participate in a Global Consultation conducted by FAO on Volume 2 of the WCA 2020, available below.

As you may know, FAO published the WCA 2020 ''Volume 1: Programme, Concepts and Definitions'' in 2015. Volume 2 aims at providing practical guidance on how to conduct a census of agriculture. The aim of the Global Consultation is to invite countries' comments on Volume 2 of the WCA 2020.  

We would appreciate if you could send your comments on Volume 2 at your earliest convenience, to [email protected] and no later than 24 November 2017. We would also kindly request that your office provide us with the contact information of the person responsible for replying. Allow us to suggest that your office coordinates the reply and comments with relevant stakeholders in your country, particularly the competent Ministries.

Technical documents

World Programme of the Census of Agriculture 2020
Volume 2: Operational guidelines

This publication will focus on the operational aspects for conducting a census of agriculture. It will deal with the practical details on the steps involved in actually conducting an agricultural census.

  Download WCA 2020, Volume 2 full document in Word

Volume 1 of WCA 2020, Programme, concepts and definitions, can be downloaded here.