World Soil Day, 5 December
(Launch on World Soil Day | 5 December 2017)


Первая Глобальная карта почвенного органического углерода (GSOCmap)  будет представлена на Всемирном дне почв в 2017 году!

Карта GSOC – это не просто карта! Это также комплексный процесс, который поддерживает развитие и расширение возможностей стран для создания собственных почвенных информационных систем.

Link to the GSOCmap web service


Soil organic carbon (SOC) forms the basis of soil health, fertility, and food production. A healthy soil with an ideal amount of SOC (the main component of soil organic matter) can provide optimal plant growing conditions, functional nutrient cycling and effective water infiltration and storage. Agricultural soils are among the planet's largest reservoirs of carbon and hold potential for expanded carbon sequestration, and thus provide a prospective way of mitigating the increasing atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. More


Since SOC is highly dynamic we need to know how much SOC is stored in our soils and monitor changes around the world, especially in vulnerable hotspots. While remote sensing technology, particularly satellite imagery, have played a key role in providing land cover datasets, the quantity and quality of SOC is typically more difficult to map and in many cases cannot be remotely sensed. Large discrepancies have been noted between different available products and worldwide, data, need to be harmonized. In-situ or ground-based data and high resolution imagery are thus an important requirement for producing accurate SOC datasets. More


The GSP and the ITPS launched a global endeavor to develop the GSOCmap using a country-driven approach as part of the Global Soil Information System (GLOSIS). GSP provides technical support and on-the-job training to most countries to produce national SOC maps according to standardized specifications. Send an email for more information.


The Global Soil Organic Carbon map V1.0

The Global Soil Organic Carbon Map V1.0

The Global Soil Organic Carbon map V1.0 is an important stepping stone to better know the current Soil Organic Carbon stock stored beneath our feet and soils’ potential for further sequestration.
