World Soil Day, 5 December

Glinka World Soil Prize 2018

We are pleased to announce that the Glinka Prize - 3rd edition was awarded to...

Professor Rattan Lal

On the occasion of World Soil Day, 5 December 2018, Professor Rattan Lal, mentioned by Reuters as part of the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds in 2015 and 2016, was presented with the Glinka World Soil Prize , for his outstanding contribution to sustainable soil management and the protection of soil resources. The award includes a monetary prize of $15,000, which Prof. Lal is donating to an endowment to support the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center.  

FAO press release

More about the Prize

This year, Global Soil Partners could have nominated candidates until the end September. Out of the many candidatures received, 15 candidatures were compliant with the specified criteria and were consequently shortlisted for the prize. The World Soil Prize Selection Committee, composed of the GSP Secretariat, the Chair of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel of Soils, the Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly, the nine Regional and Sub-regional Soil Partnerships, elected, by a large majority, Professor Lal, for his brilliant life-long career. The granting of the Prize to Professor Lal contributed in a timely manner to encourage all stakeholders and soil practitioners to engage in field-oriented work, with direct contributions to the preservation of the environment, food security and poverty alleviation.

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