
Join UNESCO and APCEIU for the 5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education for Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship, Health and Well-being, starting today.


Join UNESCO and APCEIU for the 5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education for Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship, Health and Well-being, starting today.

Livestream 29 November 2021

11:00am GMT+1: Opening & Moderated Conversation & Plenary 1: a look at practices at the country level.

Livestream 30 November 2021

8:00am GMT+1: Plenary 2: a look at recent global and regional data.
11:10am GMT+1: Special Session by the Host Country (Plenary) – Experiences from the Republic of Korea and Beyond: Progress, Challenges and New Visions
12:10pm GMT+1: Plenary 3: the crucial role of teachers

Livestream 1 December

8:00am GMT+1: Plenary 4: conclusions and next steps
12:15pm GMT+1: Closing 

Transformative education involves  the  teaching  and  learning   geared   to   motivate   and   empower   learners   to   take   informed  decisions  and  actions  at  the  individual,  community  and  global   levels. 

From 29 November to 1 December 2021, UNESCO and APCEIU will bring  together experts in education for sustainable developmentglobal citizenship education and education for health and well-being to discuss good practices, progress, monitoring and mainstreaming transformative education towards Sustainable Development Goal target 4.7.

Today's opening ceremony includes messages from Ms Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO; Ms Eun-Hae Yoo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Republic of Korea; Mr Jong-ho Kyun, Director-General, Public Diplomacy and Cultural Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea and Mr Hyun Mook Lim, Director, APCEIU. 

It will be followed by a moderated conversation on transformative education between Ms Leonor Briones, Secretary of Education, Department of Education of The Philippines; Mr Amr Abdalla, Professor Emeritus, the University for Peace, Egypt and Ms Yande, Chairperson, Transform Education, Zambia.