
Item 4.0 State of the World's Forests 2016 Forests and Agriculture: land use challenges and opportunities presentation by Eva Muller

Item 5.1 Forests, food security, hunger and poverty eradication: FAO's work on the SDGs and the role of forests presentation by Clayton Campanhola


Item 6.1 FAO's corporate climate change strategy and the role of forests presentation by Martin Frick and Susan Braatz

Item 6.2 Funding opportunities for forests after the Paris Agreement presentation by Tiina Vahanen

Item 5.2 Forest related indicators, monitoring and reporting related to the SDGs presentation by Thais Juvenal


Item 7.2 Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring presented by David Morales-Hidalgo

Item 7.3 Proposal for the establishment of a working group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral systems presented by Nora Berrahmouni

Item 7.4 Follow-up to the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) presented by Eva Muller

Item 7.4 Nutrition on the global agenda presented by Anna Lartey

Item 7.6 Statutory Bodies IPC Stefano Bisoffi

Item 7.6 Statutory Bodies Silva Mediterranea Ismail Belen

Item 7.6 Statutory Bodies Mountain Partnership Rosalaura Romeo


Item 7.1 Decisions and recommendations of FAO bodies of interest to the Committee Peter Csoka

Item 7.5 Progress report on implementation of the recommendations of past sessions of the committee and the multi-year programme of work (MYPOW) presented by Eva Muller

Item 8.1 Achieving the 2050 Vision for Forests and Forestry presented by Tiina Vahanen

Item 8.2 Strengthening FAO's contribution to the International Arrangement on Forests presented by René Castro Salazar

Item 8.3 Hosting the XV World Forestry Congress presented by Malgorzata Buszko-Briggs

Item 9.0 Programme of Work in Forestry under the Reviewed Strategic Framework presented by Eva Muller

Item 10 Multi-year Programme of Work of the Committee presented by Peter Csoka



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