The 24th session of the COAG, in 2014 and the 39th session of the Conference, in 2015, endorsed the establishment and implementation by FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) of the Peste des petits Ruminants Global Eradication Programme (PPR-GEP) and its governance structure, including an FAO-OIE joint PPR Global Secretariat. In line with this endorsement and according to the Resolution no.25, supporting the PPR-GEP, adopted during the 84th General Session of the OIE (May 2016), FAO and OIE have established the Joint PPR Global Secretariat this year in Rome, to coordinate the overall management and implementation of the PPR-GEP. The first five-year programme (2017-2021) of the PPR-GEP has been developed through a consultative process involving key stakeholders. The programme aims to lay the foundations for and commence the PPR control and elimination effort in infected countries by developing capacity; strengthening veterinary services; understanding the epidemiological situation and defining appropriate implementation strategies to reduce the prevalence of PPR and eventuallyeradicate the disease. For non-infected countries, the programme will assist in developing capacity to demonstrate the absence of PPR virus and move towards OIE official PPR free status recognition. Where appropriate, the programme will support activities to reduce the prevalence of other priority small ruminant diseases. Assistance is being provided to Member countries to prepare their PPR National strategic plans for disease eradication (NSP). A Joint FAO/OIE resource mobilization and marketing strategy is being developed. Visits to main donors are planned to present the PPR-GEP and its costing, before holding a pledging meeting in 2017. In this regard, there is need to share the programme document with the membership and a large range of stakeholders. FAO and OIE, through their Joint PPR Global Secretariat, will convene a multidisciplinary panel to present the PPR-GEP and its contribution to food security and nutrition, poverty alleviation and resilience improvement. |