Deuxième Conférence internationale sur la nutrition (CIN2), 19-21 novembre 2014


La FAO a précédemment publié un certain nombre de documents et de rapports sur des thèmes couverts par la CIN2 (voir liste ci-dessous), auxquels les participants et les parties prenantes peuvent se référer.  

The International Symposium on Food and Nutrition Security: Food-based Approaches for Improving Diets and Raising Levels of Nutrition was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to better document the contribution that food and agriculture can make to improving nutrition. FAO, a specialized agency of...
Micronutrient deficiencies affect more than two billion people in the world today. With long-ranging effects on health, learning ability and productivity they contribute to the vicious cycle of malnutrition, underdevelopment and poverty. Food-based approaches, which include food production, dietary diversification and food fortification, are sustainable strategies for improving the micronutrient...
Good health depends on good nutrition. Good nutrition, in turn, depends on agriculture to provide the foods – cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, milk and dairy products – for a balanced diet that meets our needs for energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. The founders of FAO were acutely...
The scope of this report is to discuss dietary and nutritional changes and their causes since the International Conference on Nutrition (ICN) 1992, with particular reference to developments on international food markets and policies. While the proportion of chronically hungry has been falling over the last two decades, the absolute number...
Secrétariat conjoint FAO-OMS de la CIN2
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